Tag Archives: nerd

The Mulatto Cyborg

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

The things you read about in academia…

As part of my job, I have access to the University of Minnesota library system and all its digital subscriptions to academic research journals.  Mainly I use this library to keep up with what’s latest in the field of plant cell biology, but it does let you stumble across stuff in other fields sometimes.

In 2005, LeiLane Nishime of Sonoma State University published an article in Cinema Journal called “The Mulatto Cyborg: Imagining a Multiracial Future.”  I wish I could share this article with you, but I’m going to have to go over the gist of it instead.  Nishime makes the argument that we use science fiction to tell stories about social issues in our own real life.  Since it’s at one step remove (we’re talking about space aliens, not humans), writers can be more daring than if the story was set in the real world.  So far, so good.  Anybody who’s seen that infamous Star Trek episode where the people are black on one side and white on the other side … yep.  We sure use science fiction to explore our own issues.

The second part of Nishime’s argument is this: if robots are our science-fictiony slaves in the future, then cyborgs are mulattoes.

Okay.  Let’s just never mind that a union between Data and Tasha Yar is not where cyborgs come from, and examine her argument a little more closely.  She says that movies deal with these mulatto cyborgs in one of three ways: they’re bad, good, or truly cyborgean.  Bad cyborgs are more roboty and want to destroy all humans (like the Terminator).  Good cyborgs have a stronger human side and want to become human.  And the truly cyborgean cyborgs come to terms with their half-and-half nature and are not really either.

I’m curious what Nishime would have to say about Inspector Gadget.

There’s just one other problem with this paper.  Robots with high-quality silicone skin aren’t cyborgs.  Nishime argues that Bishop from Aliens and that little kid from A.I. are good cyborgs who are trying to become more human.  But they’re robots.  Whatever these characters are made out of, the other characters treat them like 100% robot, and there’s nothing borderline or half-and-half about them.  That little kid is a robot trying to be a human.

And that’s my nerd rant for the day.

If you want to try to get your hands on “The Mulatto Cyborg: Imagining a Multiracial Future,” here is a link to Cinema Journal’s website.

10 Reasons Why Being a Grad Student is Awesome

10.  The schedule is flexible.  The graduate school cares more about whether you do a good job than what time of the day you do it.  That is, unless you’re doing a time-course experiment – then you’re at the experiment’s mercy.

9.  It’s a meritocracy.  To do a good job, you need to do good science.

8.  My boss is a scientist.

7.  You’re surrounded by nerds.  I can rhapsodize about how cool carbonic anhydrase is to my fellow grads, and they’ll know what the heck I’m talking about.*  They probably feel the same way about carbonic anhydrase.

6.  You can spend all day surrounded by your Eppendorf tubes if you want to.

The machine I work with doesn't look like this

5.  You get to work on a Machine.  Or at least I do.  The Machine I work with weighs at least 50 pounds and is controlled by a computer that runs DOS.

4.  Ph.D. Comics.

3.  You get to learn new things every day – you’re supposed to learn new things every day.  The other day I went to a seminar given by a guy who is comparing the geographic patterns of phylogenetic diversity in senita cactus and senita moths.  The best part was that I was required to go to this seminar.  Learning about the latest research on senita cactus is part of my job.

2.  Your research might help people someday.  Check out Norman Borlaug, one of the University of Minnesota’s most famous graduates.  His research on dwarf varieties of wheat started off the Green Revolution.

1.  If you work hard, and you do what you’re supposed to do, eventually you get to be called “Dr. Such-and-such.”




*  Carbonic anhydrase is cool because it’s ridiculously fast.  It’s an enzyme that turns carbon dioxide into bicarbonate and back again in your body, and it can do this about a million times per second.